
Crystal: Trigonal
Hardness: 3 - 4
Sp.G.: 6.61 - 6.71
Cleavage: Basal
Fracture: Uneven
Colour: Tin White
Lustre: Metallic

Antimony is a native element that can occur in a natural state, but it is rarely pure.

It almost always contains some arsenic, and may also contain traces of silver, iron, and sulfur.

On a fresh or preserved surface, Antimony has a tin-white color with a slight blue tinge. Otherwise, it is dark gray due to tarnish.

Specimens of nativea antimony are usually rather dull and ugly, as they usually lack crystals and have a somewhat dull, tarnished surface.

Antimony and Arsenic are almost identical. In many instances, the only way to tell them apart is by conducting complex scientific tests. Stibarsen, a mixture of arsenic and antimony, is also indistinguishable through common methods.